Young people have a crucial role to play in helping to build the food and agriculture industry. The number of young people considering a future in agriculture sadly remains low, with many put off by the high risks and low levels of investment. With the majority of the world’s food being produced by ageing smallholder farmers, the next generations are more likely to adopt new, innovative ideas that have the potential to attract touristic interest and investment.

This necessitates us to promote a change in the way agriculture is currently being perceived by increasing the awareness of different sub-sectors such as agro-tourism and the opportunities that these markets hold for youths.

Agro-tourism holds a great potential to increase the involvement of the youth in agriculture, opening up innovative and creative opportunities to build successful and sustainable businesses. Where there is a supportive environment, the youth will be able to find groundbreaking ways to create a future for themselves while contributing to the overall well-being of their communities.

The more we travel, the more cultivated, open minded and sensitized about our environment we become.

We are in business to position tourism in the development agenda and to raise awareness of the potential of the sector to lead economic growth, social inclusion, cultural and environmental preservation.

To this end we want to ensure that Agricultural tourism has to be present in presenting the new face of Agriculture to Nigerians and foreigners.  A peculiar tourism system has been created, which is capable to transmit the values of agriculture and nature for all, promoting and enhancing the sustainable and natural holiday.

Come with us to Landmark University to explore the endless possibilities in Agribusiness…


  • Access to Mentorship
  • Kick start your career in Agribusiness
  • Business Branding
  • Hands on Practical
  • Networking opportunity
  • On-site interactions with production experts